From simple beginnings we continue our passion for serving up great tasting gelato.
“Dad, how many strawberries are in this?”
“Dad, where do chocolate chips come from?”
”Dad, why does this taste so good?”
Poor Papa Di Maria, every day he would be hit by a tonne of questions about the how, where and why of gelato from a very inquisitive 4 yr old. You see Papa Di Maria was one of Australia’s early gelato pioneers. With his old-fashioned ice-cream van he would sell homemade ice-cream to neighbours and friends.

At the age of 7, the young boy became old enough to join his papa on the weekend rounds. Sitting high up in the van, listening to the sweet tune of the ice-cream call, Joe was in seventh heaven. As the van trundled through the streets, Joe’s career began, selling something that bought a smile to people’s faces. Even at that young age, it was this one thing that gave him a sense of purpose.

His fascination with ice-cream continued, and in his late teens, Joe packed his bags and went overseas. This was no backpacking tour of Europe that some young people dream about. Oh no, our ice-cream enthusiast, headed straight to Italy with a mission: to study the fine art of gelato making and in no other place but the land of its origin.

After spending several years perfecting the art in some of the big flavour houses in the South of Italy, Joe returned to Australia to start his own company. Pure Gelato was born! Soon after he joined forces with Alfredo, his childhood friend and together they worked tirelessly focusing on quality, service and reliability.

Then in 1998 their efforts paid off. At the Royal Easter Show that year Pure Gelato’s Hazelnut Gelato was awarded a gold medal. Since that time, Pure Gelato has continued to win numerous Gold and Silver awards each year at both the Royal Easter Show and the Diary Industry Association.
And for the future, Joe and Alfredo plan to maintain the family atmosphere and traditions of Pure Gelato while growing to be a renowned manufacturer of gelato in Australia and beyond.